Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Today the talk at the office is all about Twilight, the series my 14-year old sister-in-law is also currently raving about. It’s apparently one of those admissions you make among friends and wait for someone to return the favor: “You read it? I do too!!” And vampire-love-story chatter ensues. Surprisingly, I don’t work with a bunch of tweens and teens so apparently there is something to be said for Twilight. My best friend, a mom of three herself, admitted her Twilight obsession to me a month ago and I could hear the disappointment in her voice when she realized I don’t have the same Edward crush so we couldn’t discuss. Because I don’t even know who Edward is, except for the large poster of his face now plastered on my sister-in-law's bedroom wall.

One day when I’m no longer in graduate school on the *side* of everything else, I look forward to reading books that weren’t required of me by someone else. Not sure that Twilight will make it on to my list, but I like the idea of being free to read a tween love story if I so choose, like the millions of Twilight-loving moms out there. Especially being a mom of boys. I probably don’t have a lot of Babysitters Club or Sweet Valley Twins in my future as a mom of boys. Probably not even Judy Blume. Although my baby hawklet certainly does love playing with my old dolls, patting their backs and putting them in the old baby bed. Mom hasn’t gotten out the old My Little Ponies yet. (Hubby Hawks is making a note right now to find said Little Ponies and destroy them…)

I came across a couple old journals of mine as I was cleaning things out over the weekend - my attempt to do all the to-dos I’d been putting off before going back to work on Monday. Time stopped as I became enthralled with my old accounts of life in that searching stage between college and a “real” career. I’d forgotten that I really hated that time of life, when so much was out of my control. (“Shocking,” I can hear my mom groaning now, facetiously.) I was job hunting and diamond hunting at the same time. I wanted to marry Hubby Hawks so badly! And I couldn’t stand that the “when” was completely in his court.

I also wasn’t particularly eloquent in that stage. I read the journal thinking, “no one would read this if it was a blog.” Hopefully if you are a reader here, you’re not asking yourself why and wondering if there is something better on TV or if your yard needs to be mowed. I certainly don’t want to evoke yawns. Geez, this paragraph might have just done that.

Maybe I should start blogging about a vampire named Edward who falls in love with a human. Wait, that’s taken…how about a werewolf named Harry Potter who falls in love with a…


Linda said...

I like what you're posting just fine, and having no trouble staying awake to read it.

Hawks said...

Twilight is the best book!! And I got Kayla to start reading it...she says it AMAZING!!

my nephews are so cute