Monday, August 8, 2011

On being a modern marketeer mom

I am excited to announce a new side gig I've started over at, an online magazine for moms founded by celebrity mom (of four!) Brooke Burke. There, I am now a contributing expert, blogging about marketing to moms and what is causing the gap between marketers and mom consumers.

So now, not only do Brooke and I both have amazing washboard abs (ahem) but we also write for the same site. The similarities between us are just uncanny, really.

I hope you'll check out my latest post there, all about moms and mobile apps and what apps pass my deletion test. What apps are your must-haves? Why? Tell me there (or here, I'm not picky)!

And, don't forget to add me to your feed!

1 comment:

Kim said...

You are SO cool! :) Congrats on the new gig, sounds like a perfect fit :)